Lyrical/Contemporary – when the dance flows from the words
About our Lyrical/Contemporary dance classes
Lyrical and contemporary are dance styles that combine elements of ballet, modern, jazz, hip hop and tap dance techniques. The goal of the dancer is to use gesture, story-telling and controlled movements in order to execute their movements and emotions fully. Besides emotional connection to music, lyrical/contemporary dance typically encourages use of articulation, line, weight, and textured movement qualities. BALLET enrollment while also in lyrical is highly recommended.
*Note- Allegro teachers will use their expertise to place each dancer in the correct level that is best for their training, this will usually happen within the first month.
Dress code for Lyrical
*no distracting jewelry or watches in any class
Form fitting dance clothes of your choice- Shorts, leggings, leotards, tank tops, etc
Sweats/t-shirts, etc... can be worn through the first part of warm-up if the teacher allows and then needs to be removed for the teacher to be able to see their alignment
Level 1jr/sr, 2jr and 2/3 SR-
Skin colored jazz shoes
Level 3 and 4 -
Skin colored jazz shoes AND bear paws/foot undies.
Level 5 +-
bear paws/foot undies
Hair: Pulled up out of face

Lyrical is commonly set to popular music with vocals or just instrumental bars. The name lyrical comes from the word "lyrics" because dancers use the lyrics of a song or instrumental music to inspire them to do certain movements or show expression.
Do you have questions about our inspiring dance programs? For answers, call: