Allegro's Studio Awards and Past Highlights
The Best of Western Washington!!
2018 & 2019 - did
not participate
2017 - 3rd place!
2015- 2nd place!
2014 - 3rd place!
2013 - 4th place!
2012 - Tied for 1st!!
2011 - 2nd place!
2010 - 3rd place!
2009 - 1st place!!!
2008 - 2nd place!

Saving Santa – Holiday Showcases 
Team dancers perform at Winterfest Seattle Center
Allegro performs at Kent Station for Santa’s Arrival 
Youth Cares drive for teen homeless in Seattle
Treehouse for Kids Blue Jean Drive 
Kent Has Talent local competition – Alix, Dre’moni and Crystal perform 
 Baby Emilie Butler joins our Allegro family Team dancers perform at Kentwood High School holiday bazaar 
Team dancers perform at Panther Lake Elementary
Italian Days at Emerald Downs – Tarantella dancers
 Liz Imperio guest speaks at our Team Blast off Day & Master class 
The Allegro Players first ever audition  Dance Day at the Mariners Game
Allegro Teachers attend the Dance Teacher Summit & Capezio Ace Awards in Long Beach, CA 
Pre-professional group photo shoot with Ambrose 
Tonya and assistant teachers attend Dance Ideas Seminar in Burbank, CA 
Industry Dance Awards in Los Angeles (Cry to Me – Best Musical Theater piece nomination) 
Soaks event at Kent Station
Elevation Convention 3
Jordyn & Grace perform in STG’s Dance This at the Moore Theater 
 Allegro Dancer Abbie attends the Radio City Rockette Summer Intensive
Student Appreciation Day 'Passport' June Showcases Yard work for Senior Citizens community service project Allegro Spirit Week!
An American in Paris Master Class with cast member Erika
Inspire Dance Convention
Levi Walker photo shoot
Stuffed Animal Week for Youth
Dance the Day Away fundraiser for our pre-professional group
Liz Imperio comes to mentor our pre-professional group
Pacific Region Garden Club performance
Sarah Brinson Master Class
Fritz 80th birthday celebration
Ballet Boyz Master Classes
Burnin' the Floor Performing Group showcases
You Me We performance
Miss Auburn Pageant and Performance & Teacher Heather won Miss Auburn
Allegro's 21st Birthday!
From the City of Kent
Kent Has Talent
Youth Category Winner: Dre'moni Watts (dance)
Teen Category Winner: Dalamari Holman (poetry)
GRAND CHAMPION - Alix Chappell (dance)
April 2016
Kent Chamber of Commerce 'Educator of the Year' nominee
December 2015
Holiday Parade 'Best in Parade'
June 2014
Allegro gets ‘Best Façade Improvement’ award from KDP
Jan/Feb 2014
Kent Chamber of Commerce Business of the Month
Best of Kent
nominee/runner up/winner for Best Recretion Center and/or Best Fitness Center
Kent Cornucopia Parade
Spirit Award & Best JR Dance

Kidz bop Opening Act
Holiday Showcases
Kent Has Talent Competition
Kentwood HS Holiday Bazaar Performance
PG members performed at Mariners’ Dance Night Fundraising for the studio
Puyallup Fair performance
Kent Cornocopia Members of PG and PURE invited to perform
Student Appreciation Day & Class Picture day
Allegro's 21st Annual Showcases 'Legendary'
Spirit week for the last week of classes!!
Parent Watch Week #2
Kent Chamber of Commerce – Educator of the year nomination to Allegro!
Stuffed Animal week for youth classes
Allegro Teacher Retreat
Tasha Hamilton guest teacher
National Dance Week – Bring your buddy to dance week

Antics master class & PURE hip hop guest performers for their show
Dance the day away fundraiser for pre-pro dancers
Allegro's 20th birthday party!
'Twas the Night before Christmas Holiday showcase
Kent Winterfest Parade & award
Candy Grams fundraiser for Circle of Hope foundation #dancersagainstcancer
Salvation army toy drive for local families in need of Christmas presents
Allegro earns 2nd place Best of Western Washington Dance Studio
Allegro participates in Kent's Turkey Challenge for the Kent food bank! - selling paper turkeys and collecting Thanksgiving food for local families.
Parent Watch Week #1
Pumpkin Decorating contest for Circle of Hope foundation #dancersagainstcancer
Open House – our annual meet and greet & show and tell about all the many things we offer at the studio.
Fall classes begin!

Allegro Dance Team Intensive - Multi day intensive geared specifically for high school dance teams
Elevation In-house Convention with guests Tessandra Chavez, Pat Hon, Tricia Miranda, Jason Janas, Kim Wolfe, Chyssie Whitehead
Seth Zibalese guest teaching for two weeks - Seth's scholarships from his 2-week time at Allegro; 1 studio tuition scholarship - Tiffany, 2 Dancemakers scholarships - Taylor & Lailani
Dance Day at the Mariners Game
April- June
Thrive through cancer's Hope Totes! Allegro collected many items, (such as lotions, lip balm, word puzzles, etc...) for a special care package put together for people recently diagnosed with cancer.
Allegro raised more than $1,000 to become a certified 'Circle of hope' studio! We are continuing to raise money for this amazing charity that helps to support dancers across the country that are dealing with cancer.
Allegro participates in Kent's Turkey Challenge for the Kent food bank! Selling paper turkeys and collecting Thanksgiving food for local families.
Kent station performance for National Dance Week– ‘Make us dance’ Effie, Gabby, Hannah, Kyla, Marie, Trinity, Kendall, Adam & Connor
Allegro collects money and dog supplies for Seattle's rescue organization 'Ginger's pet rescue' (Also rescued a local dog that was being used as a guard dog, Allegro families came together and found a great home for 'Kitty' the pit-bull!!)
“Allegro Performing Arts Academy, an 18-year icon of Kent, has big plans in store for 2014, including a move to a new location at 222 Central Ave ‘We're calling this our forever home’" from Kent Reporterhttp://www.kentreporter.com/business/240364591.html
“2014 Studio Move” from Business Examiner http://www.businessexaminer.com/blog/January-2014/Kents-Allegro-dance-studio-to-move-downtown/
Salvation Army's 'Fill the Truck' toy drive! Lots of toys donated for local children to enjoy on Christmas day!!
Ian Eastwood teaches at Allegro - Allegro dancer Connor assists
Microsoft corporate event - Allegro dancers are hired to perform
Jessi is chosen as Allegro’s Facebook winner with her picture on top of the space needle
Collecting stuffed animals for Project Wish - to help calm children in emergency situations.
Supporting our local Salvation Army office by sponsoring a local family for the holidays as well as collecting toys for the 200 families that this local office helps during the holidays!
Collection of warm clothing for Youth Care - an organization in Seattle that helps teens get off the streets

2012 SYTKHT(So you Think Kent Has Talent) Show & Results
•1st place Overall NFI Enterprise winner - Cameron Sterling
•2nd place Overall Intimate Pilates winner - Nathan Jacobsen
•3rd place Overall Baldwin Chiropractic winner - Andrey Chebotarev
•Youth Division Lance Timmerman Cosmetic Dentistry winner - Cameron Sterling
•Teen Division Nigel Cooper Photography winner - Bhangra Royalty
•Adult Division Lemon Drop Skin care winner - Nathan Jacobsen
•Audience Favorite award (sponsored by Baldwin Chiropractic) David Hall & Cody Moody!!
Watch the show video here - http://vimeo.com/44685794
Read more here- http://www.kentreporter.com/news/156904805.html
“Kent's Allegro dance studio earns high ranking in Northwest” from Kent Reporter http://www.kentreporter.com/community/164795176.html
“Kent's 2nd Annual Talent Show and Charity Fundraiser!” from PRLog
Dance shoe and dancewear collection for a studio in Joplin, MO that was devastated from the tornado. 3 large boxes collected and shipped out!
Clothing and Food Drive for the Kent Food Bank
Collection of women's clothing and travel size toiletries for Seattle's Street Youth Ministries
“So you think KENT has talent! 1st annual community talent show and charity fundraiser” from PRLoghttp://www.prlog.org/11329744-so-you-think-kent-has-talent.html
Collection for a family adopting two girls - clothes and fun girl items!
“Kent dance academy, Allegro prepares for Jan. 16 showcase” from Kent Reporterhttp://www.pnwlocalnews.com/south_king/ken/entertainment/112674829.html
Allegro adopted a family for Christmas through the Salvation Army - purchased/donated items for a single mom with 2 young daughters
“Allegro Performing Arts Academy's 15th Annual Showcase is a holiday tradition for many families in South King County” from PRLoghttp://www.prlog.org/11116899-fun-holiday-dance-showcase-for-the-whole-family-to-enjoy.html
“New location for Allegro Performing Arts Academy!” from PRLog https://www.prlog.org/12298029-new-location-for-allegro-performing-arts-academy.html
“Allegro Performing Arts Academy wants to encourage its students and the community to give back to our soldiers” from PRLog http://www.prlog.org/11067790-kent-dance-studio-steps-it-up-for-our-soldiers.html
“Dance/Movement Classes for Children have Important Benefits” from PRLog http://www.prlog.org/11061196-dancemovement-classes-for-children-have-important-benefits.html

“Allegro Performing Arts Academy has been named the Best Dance Studio in the Northwest by the Federation of Dance Competitions” from PRLoghttp://www.prlog.org/10980763-kent-dance-studio-is-1-in-the-northwest.html?hosted
“Kent's Allegro Performing Arts Academy has been named the Best Dance Studio in the Northwest” from the Kent Reporterhttp://www.pnwlocalnews.com/south_king/ken/news/104522929.html
Toy Drive - Allegro donated one large bin of toys to the Toys for Tots charity drive. This drive was organized by one of Allegro's performers Melissa Bennett.
September - October
Women's Clothing drive - Collected three big bins of professional clothes for the Dress for Success organization which helps to aid women who need help getting out from negative situations and getting on their feet.
Retirement home performance - Allegro performers performed our 15-min musical excerpt of the 'Music Man' for Stafford Suites in Kent.
Weeding for the elderly - 30+ performers, parents and friends helped 3 different elderly Kent residents with yard work and upkeep.
Clothing drive - Performers had a teen clothing drive for foster kids.
Relay for life fundraiser - In house performance for The American Cancer Society. Allegro was able to raise $600.00.
Cell phones for Soldiers - Performers collected 35+ cell phones & accessories that equal 35+ phone card hours for soldiers to be able to call home from over seas.