Expressing Yourself Through Freestyle
Many times, when dancers hear the word “Freestyle”, it is accompanied by a sigh, or a negative reaction. As a hip hop dance instructor, I...

How can a teacher develop healthy classroom culture?
By Dezmond Garcia I want to talk about classroom culture. It’s important because in my opinion it determines how quickly dancers mature...

Allegro is so excited to launch it's new youth program this fall!!
Introducing... **MOVERS & GROOVERS!** An interactive, brain based dance program for children ages 3-8 years old! Allegro has always had...

Respect your Roots
By Tonya Goodwillie This is a blog that was written many years ago that still feels very relevant today. We, as dancers, all had to start...

Best Tips for Practicing Dance at Home
We all hoped dancing at home would last only a short while, but it’s clear that with ever changing regulations, we will be dancing at...

Long time dancers: How to keep your love-love relationship with dance
Let’s be honest: even the most committed dancers don’t want to dance all of the time. Sometimes, extremely dedicated dancers can get into a

Ways To Make Your Child's First Dance Class A Success
Tis the season of getting settled back in school as well as new activities! If your child is a new dancer or thinking about trying dance...