How to have a successful convention weekend
For competition and convention dancers... and their parents too!

Convention weekends can be anything from exciting, stressful, inspiring, exhausting, rewarding, or all of the above. Here are some helpful tips on how to make it successful :)
Double and Triple check your costumes before you go!
Make sure to pack outfits your dancer loves and feels good in. I also suggest bringing options as you never know if you will have the same outfits as other dancers in the room ;) Plus dancers change their minds all the time and pivot lol
Pack the right kinds of snacks and food for the weekend. I suggest packing a cooler as it saves you a lot of money instead of purchasing hotel food or eating at restaurants for every meal. Some items I pack for my dancer are: oranges, bananas, grapes, apples, carrots, cucumbers, everything to make sandwiches, protein balls are amazing for them to have (my favorite brand is Kodiak Protein balls mix), chocolate milk after a long day of dancing, and lots and lots of water or a big water jug. I also like to bring a small crockpot and/or toaster to make meals for my dancer.

4. Safety pins for their convention numbers. There are also these magnets that dancers can buy that come in all different designs and are really easy to use.

5. Scissors to cut their wristbands….I seem to always forget this one!
6. A pillow or blanket from home. I find this helps my dancer sleep better in hotel rooms and brings some comfort. Sleep is so important during these weekends!
7. Meds for sore muscles. My 'go-tos' are Aleve and Bio freeze
8. A growth mindset and positive attitude! Remember at the end of the day, you are there to learn and grow. In order to do that, you must fail AND succeed!
By Tiffany Brooks
Allegro teacher, Precision Dance Company co-director, PURE Hip Hop co-director and Jazz Department chair